Fire These Fuckers

Hey Peeps!

If you went to work and did little besides having your thumbs up your ass and blocked everyone else from getting the jobs they were hired to do done, you’d be fired and rightfully so. Right?

But this Tea Party Congress thinks they can get away with it just that. Sadly, so far they have. Ultimately, we’re to blame if you believe in Democracy.

They’ve blocked nearly every single item President Obama has proposed, all while pushing an extreme right-wing 20120926-003131.jpgagenda that puts millionaire tax breaks before the middle class. Haven’t you had enough of it? Of course not if you’re one of those 1% Americans controlling all wealth. Did you know Mitt Romney has over 300 million dollars to his name. Yeah for him! But what about regular people like you and me?

Help us send 100,000 Tea Party Pink Slips to Boehner and Cantor! Just click the Pic or follow the link below and . add your name. It WILL make a difference.

It’s clear the Tea Party experiment has failed so lets ell them it’s time to pack their bags and get the hell out of our house!!

Do it.