What’s Wrong With Just Being Black – Tywanza Sanders’ Last Stand

DJ Sir Charlie London, PMG Music and myself finished what the deceased victim Tywanza Sanders (aka Fresh Wanza) started some months ago. Tywanza wrote this song, like a few others, depicting what seems to be his ‘black experience’ and poses the now ironical question…what’s wrong just being black? I’m thinking the answer is, “not being white.” but that’s just me… I hope!! Be aware–explicit lyrics, as often with Hip Hop.

The plan is that the Sanders family use the song to make some money. Last time I checked, insurance doesn’t cover being murdered by some ruthless white racist terrorist fucker.

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US vs. UK Law Enforcement

Kajieme Powell, a 25-year-old black man was killed on the street recently because he approached police officers with a knife. This has yet again highlighted the extreme measure American police officers take against the public when they believe they are in danger.

The officers told him repeatedly to drop the weapon. He didn’t, so they shot him 7-9 time at close range, until dead. With several shots fired after he was on the ground. As if one or two well placed bullets in the legs wouldn’t have deterred the situation at close range.

In this video, you’ll see how UK officers deal with a similar situation and keep in mind, most UK cops do not carry firearms but of course, some do. First and foremost, the officers AVOID the danger, without resulting to murdering people on public streets.

The problem is, Police protocol. In the USA, officers are allowed to apply lethal force when there is “probable cause” that they will be physically threatened. That basically means any cop can say, “I thought the guy was gonna hurt me, so I killed him”. It’s such a wishy-washy and open ended definition from which hundreds of people in America die every year because of cops being allowed to play judge and jury on the job. Most of those deaths are black people. Fact. Now, compare that to the zero deaths from cop shootings in the UK the last two years up till now, and not a single UK cop being killed as a result.

US cops, “To protect and to serve.” who, actually? Are you really so surprised people of color are so pissed off? Wake up! How dumb are you all?

Just purely out of curiousity, I would like these Protester TV people or someone to kick some stats regarding the ratio of how many white cops kill people vs. cops of color. Any takers?

Whitney Houston On Oprah

I for one am old enough to remember this woman and her brilliance. On top of that, I’ve been in the music biz long enough to have experienced her (though indirectly) studio work so I know what a perfectionist, pain-in-the-butt, slave driver she was at the height of her career. WTF happened? Maybe one or two of these videos will shed some insight for anyone interested in such info. I sure am.

I am posting this because I just say a tour poster for Whitney while I was in town the other day. Apparently she’s on her way here sooner than later. So I figured I’d dig up something worth sharing besides the music, you know? All that you can easily find in YouTube I’m sure! But this interview? Might be a bit harder to come by. Either way, if you haven’t seen it and you’re a Whitney fan then it’s a must see.


Whitney Houston Interview

Can’t We All Just Get A Life

There’s just so much ignorance and lack of education in the world today.  However it seems to be even worse in the good ‘ole US of A than anywhere else.  Of course that’s likely not true but times like these it certainly seems the case indeed.

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Reading folks comments on such events is the most disconcerting part of all as only then is it clear folks from both sides of the debate really have nothing too constructive to say.  It all seems like learned behavior and these teachers of hate and distruction will continue breeding new students with malleable minds.

Goddess help us all.