Welcome To Los Angeles

lala-landYeah, back in Los Angeles! It’s a pretty good feeling. My first full day back was Saturday, 23rd so today is day-three. So far, I’ve already looked at two places to live and seeing another today, went to a smashing party, had 2 jam sessions and played drums on this one ==>

, got a new cell #, met an old friend, went to a doctor, went to a concert but arrived too late, got an alternative medicine license, fought with my GF, got lost, joined 2 cannabis collectives, started building a website and social network for Mission:Control, nailed down a drummer for my band Echophonics, found a new German Speaking friend, started planning for a live music event in March, made up with my GF and a couple of other things happened as well.

Now to make some $ and move in some where before Feb. 1st.

Marijuana Slang


Ace, Acapulco Gold, Acapulco Red, Afgani Indica, African, African Black, African Bush, African Woodbine, Airplane, Angola, Ashes, Assassin of Youth, Astro Turf, Atshitshi, Aunt Mary

Baby, Baby Bhang, Babysitter, Bad Seed, Bale, Bamba, Bambalachacha, Bammy, Bar, Bash, Belyando Spruce, Bhang, Binky, Black, Black Bart, Black Ganga, Black Gold, Black Gungi, Black Gunion, Blanket, Blaze, Block, Blond, Blonde, Blowing Smoke, Blue de Hue, Blue Sage, Blue Sky, Blunt, Bo, Bobo, Bo Bo Bush, Bohd, Bomber, Boo, Boo Boo Bama, Boom, Bowl, Broccoli, Brown, Bubble Gum, Budda, Buds, Bullyon, Burnie, Bush, Butter, Butter Flower

C.S., Cam Trip, Cambodian Red/Cam Red, Can, Canadian Black, Canamo, Canappa, Cancelled Stick, Cannabis, Cannabis Tea, Carmabis, Catnip, Cavite All Star, Cest, Charas, Charge, Cheeba, Cheeo, Chemo, Chicago Black, Chicago Green, Chira, Chocolate Thai, Christmas Bud, Christmas Tree, Chronic, Chunky, Churus, Citrol, Climb, Cochornis, Colas, Coli, Coliflor Tostao, Colorado Cocktail, Columbia, Columbia Red, Columbian, Colombo, Columbus Black, Cosa, Crazy Weed, Cripple, Crying Weed, Cryppie, Cryptonie, Culican

Dagga, Dajja, Dank, Dawamesk, Dew, Diablito (Spanish), Diambista, Dimba, Ding, Dinkie Dow, Dipped Joints, Dirt, Dirties, Dirty Joints, Ditch, Ditch Weed, Djamba, Do A Joint, Domestic, Don Jem, Don Juan, Dona Juana (Spanish), Dona Juanita (Spanish), Donk, Doob, Doobee, Doobie, Dope, Dope Smoke, Doradilla, Draf, Draf Weed, Drag Weed, Dro, Dry High, Dube, Dubie, Duby, Durong, Duros (Spanish), Dust

Earth, El Gallo (“Rooster”), Elephant, Endo, Esra

Fallbrook Redhair, Fatty, Feeling, Fine Stuff, Finger, Finger Lid, Fir, Firewood, Flower, Flower Tops, Fraho/Frajo, Freefo, Fu, Fuma D’Angola (Portugese)

Gage/Gauge, Ganga, Gangster, Ganja, Garbage, Gash, Gasper, Gasper Stick, Gates, Gauge Butt, Geek, Geek-Joints, Get a Gage Up, Get High, Get the Wind, Ghana, Giggle Smoke, Giggle Weed, Gimmie, Go Loco, Goblet of Jam, Gold, Gold Star, Golden, Golden Leaf, GOM (Good Old Marijuana), Gong, Gonj, Good Butt, Good Giggles, Good Stuff, Goody-Goody, Goof Butt, Gorge, Grass, Grass Brownies, Grasshopper, Grata, Greek, Green, Green Buds, Green Goddess, Greens, Greeter, Gremmies, Greta, Griefo, Griefs, Grifa (Spanish), Griff, Griffa, Griffo, Grogged, Gunga, Gungeon, Gungun, Gunja, Gunjah, Gyve

Haircut, Hanhich, Happy Cigarette, Happy Stick, Harsh, Has, Hash, Hawaiian, Hawaiian Black, Hawaiian Homegrown, Hay, Hay Butt, Haze, Headies, Hemp, Herb, Herb and Al, Herba, Hit, Hit the Hay, Hocus, Homegrown, Honey blunts, Hooch, Hooter, Hot Stick, Hydro, Hydrogrows

Illies, Illing, Illy, Indian Boy, Indian Hay, Indian Hemp, Indica, Indo, Indonesian Bud, Instaga, Instagu, IZM

Jamaican Gold, Jamaican Red Hair, Jay, Jay Smoke, Jane, Jim Jones, Jive, Jive Stick, Johnson Grass, Joint, Jolly Green, Jonjem,, Joy Smoke, Joy Stick, Ju-Ju, Juan Valdez (Spanish), Juanita (Spanish), Juice Joint, Juja, Ju-Ju, Jumbos

Kabak, Kaff,, Kalakit, Kali, Kansas Grass, Kate Bush, Kawaii Electric, Kaya, KB, Kee, Kentucky Blue, Key, KGB, Khayf, Ki, Kick Stick, Kief, Kif, Kiff, Killer, Killer Green Bud, Killer Weed, Kilter, Kind, Kind Bud, King Bud, Kona Gold, Krippy, Kryptonite,, Ktutchu String, Kumba

L.G. (Lime Green), L.L., Lace, Lakbay Diva, Laughing Grass, Laughing Weed, Leaf, Leak, Leno (Spanish), Lid, Liesca, Light Green, Lime Green, Light Stuff, Lima, Liprimo, Little Smoke, Llesca, Loaf, Lobo, Loco (Spanish), Loco Weed , (Spanish), Locoweed Log, Loose Shank, Love Boat, Love Leaf, Love Weed, Lovelies, Lubage

M.J., M.O., M.U., Macaroni, Machinery, Macon, Maconha, Mafu (Spanish), Maggie, Magic Dragon, Magic Smoke, Manhattan Silver, Mari, Mari Jane, Marimba (Spanish), Mary, Mary & Johnny, Mary Ann, Mary Jane, Mary Jonas, Mary Warner, Mary Weaver, Mary Worner, Matchbox, Maui Wauie, Maui Wowie, Meg, Megg, Meggie, Messorole, Mexican Brown,, Mexican Green, Mexican Locoweed, Mexican Red, Mez, Mezz, Mighty Mezz, Mo, Moahsky, Mocoha, Modams, Mohasky, Mohasty, Monte, Mooca/Moocah, Moocha, Mooster, Moota/Mutah, Mooters, Mootie, Mootos, Mor A Grifa, Mota, Mother, Moving the Lawn, Mow the Grass, Mu, Muggie, Muggle, Muggles, Muta, Mutah, Mutha

Nail, Nigra, Northern Lights, Number

Oboy, O.J., Oit

P-dogs, P.R., Pack, Pack A Bowl, Pack Of Rocks, Pakaloco, Pakalolo, Pakistani Black, Panama Cut, Panama Gold, Panama Red, Panatella, Paper blunts, Parsley, Pasto (Spanish), Pat, Philly Blunts, Pin, Pine, Pocket Rocket, Pod, Poke, Pot, Potlikker, Potten Bush, Prescription, Pretendica, Pretendo, Puff

Queen Ann’s Lace

Ragweed, Railroad Weed, Rainy Day Woman, Rangood, Rasta, Rasta Weed, Red Bud, Red Cross, Red Dirt, Reef, Reefer, Righteous Bush, Rip, Roacha, Rockets, Root, Rope, Rose Marie, Rough Stuff, Rubia, Rugs

Salad, Salt And Pepper, Sandwich Bag, Santa Maria, Santa Marta, Sasfras, Schwagg, Scissors, Scrub, Seeds, Sen, Sess, Sezz, Shake, Shrimp, Siddi, Sinse, Sinsemilia, Skunk, Skunkweed, Smoke, Smoke A Bowl, Smoke Canada, Snop, Spliff, Spliffy, Splim, Square Mackerel, Stack, Stems, Stick, Sticky Icky, Stinkweed, Stoney Weed Straw, Stuff, Sugar Weed, Super Grass, Super Pot, Swag, Sweet Lucy

Taima, Takkouri, Tea, Tex Mex, Texas Pot, Texas Tea, Thai Stick, Thirteen, Thumb, Tin, Toke, Torch, Trauma, Tray, Trees, Triple A, Trupence Bag, Tustin, Twenty Six Red, Twist, Twistum


Viper Weed

Wake and Bake, Wacky Tobaccky, Wake and Bake, Weed, Weed Tea, Whack, Whackatabacky, Whackyweed, Wheat, White Russian, White-Haired Lady, Woo Blunts, Wooz

Yeh, Yellow Submarine, Yen Pop, Yerba (Spanish), Yerhia, Yesca, Yesco, Ying

Zambi, Zig Zag Man, Zol